3 Farm Success Stories With Email Customer Journeys

Email is a powerful tool for Farmers to drive sales and engage their customers. In fact, Farms running their business on Barn2Door have proven that a single Newsletter can generate up to 80% of their weekly orders! (Awesome!)

Emails are gold. They offer your Farm business the ability to engage in regular communication with buyers – in a place they visit every day! Their inbox. So, as Mailchimp’s #1 Pro Partner in the world, Barn2Door teamed up with Mailchimp to test the power of Customer Journeys. This feature enables your Farm the ability to automatically send emails to your contact list based on their individual customer activity and purchase history. 

We selected the three most common use cases to help Farms implement Customer Journeys to drive more sales and spur more customer engagement. We designed and assembled a Welcome, Loyalty, and Re-Engage campaign for each participating Farmer. And, the results were amazing - generating $1000’s in orders for our most successful Farmers during this test. Let’s dive into how three Farms successfully engaged their customers with Customer Journeys, garnering thousands of dollars:

Welcome Journeys

A Welcome Customer Journey is the best way to automatically introduce your Farm to new prospective customers, offer special deals, and provide more information about how to shop from your business. A proper introduction is essential to foster relationships with new contacts and drive initial orders with first-time buyers.

This Protein Farm generated over a 12% increase in volume over the 90-day period. How? They welcomed new subscribers, gave customers a look into why they Farm, and shared how customers can shop from their online store. 

On average, Farms that send a welcome email generate 4x as many opens and 10x as many clicks as any other email type. That’s why incorporating automated Welcome emails into your Farms’ email strategy is a must.

Read: What's Your Email Strategy? Do More With Less Effort


Loyalty Journeys

Every Farmer should be looking to reward loyal customers! In turn, they’ll become even more loyal, spending more money on your products, and referring more customers to you (they are your best advocates). Configuring a Loyalty Customer Journey is a perfect way to automate emails to your loyal customers to build a meaningful relationship and showcase how much you value their commitment to your Farm. 

This Poultry Farm sent out two loyalty emails, targeting customers that had spent over $250 within the last 30 days. Both emails boasted an incredibly high open rate due to the catchy subject lines. 

The first email's subject line was “Psst! Your neighbors are putting this on their table 🍽.” This subject line garnered a huge 73% open rate (the average open rate for the industry is around 20%)! This email included products customers would be interested in and links to their social media. The second email’s subject line was “have you tried our new products yet?!” with a 70.7% open rate. This email also included products customers would enjoy.

This Farm generated a 24% increase in sales over the 90-day period. Loyal customers have a 60%-70% chance of returning to your Farm to re-purchase, while new customers only have a 13% chance of purchasing. So, remember: loyal customers will always spend more money with your Farm than new customers – so make sure to engage them regularly!

You’ll drive more sales by implementing email best practices like personalization tokens (first name) and product recommendations (the Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration will do this for you automatically based on their individual purchase history!). After all, we need to eat everyday! When customers are reminded of additional Product options from your Farm, they’ll likely purchase more when you send a call-to-action and make it convenient.

Listen: A Chimp, Software, and Farming... Let's Talk Email Marketing


Re-Engage Journeys

Do you have a lot of customers on your email list who haven’t purchased from you in a while? Maybe they’re busy, haven’t seen your brand in a bit, or just forgot to purchase from your Farm! This is the perfect opportunity for a Re-engage Customer Journey, which enables Farms to automatically send emails to re-engage customers based on their purchase history (or lack thereof recently) to help spur sales and more volume from legacy buyers. 

This Produce Farm segmented their audience to re-engage customers who hadn’t purchased from the Farm in over a month. Over the 90 days, they generated an additional 36% in sales. 

Personalized emails and product recommendations were the key to their success. Boasting a 56% average open rate and a 13% average click-through-rate, this Farm leveraged the power of catchy subject lines and pointed customers directly to products that were live in their store. One of the subject lines included “Hey! Were you gonna delete this? 👀.”

It’s normal that Re-engage Customer Journeys see a lower open rate than other emails. Why? Because these customers may not always interact with your emails. However, engaging them from time to time is a great way to prompt them to purchase from your Farm, turning them into loyal customers again. 

Read: How to Ensure Emails Land in Customers’ Inboxes (Not Promotions or Spam)
The #1 Tactic 6-Figure-Farms use to Drive Sales 


Customer Journeys are a powerful tool for Farms to use to increase sales and delight their buyers. When looking to optimize your email strategy, an email list of 100+ contacts, having a diversity of products available year-round, and taking the time to draft engaging emails and subject lines will be your Farms’ key to success. All existing Farmers at Barn2Door can get personalized assistance to assemble and implement Customer Journeys for their Account.

Note, this isn’t the first time Farms have implemented Customer Journeys and experienced successful outcomes. Check out these additional resources to learn more:

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video.


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