Barn2Door Pays for Itself

At Barn2Door, we take great satisfaction in supporting Farms and Ranches across all 50 states to grow their business and build a stable base of loyal customers. With the data, insights and expertise from Barn2Door, your Farm business can quickly recapture your upfront investment in a few short months with an increase in your Sales and recurring revenue. Additionally, all of the costs associated with Barn2Door are tax deductible expenses, which can be set off against your Farm income (Win!).

Elevating your Brand and making your Products accessible on all channels - online and in-person - is the key to make purchasing easy for Buyers. To increase recurring cash flow, offer Subscriptions tailored for your target customers. Note, all your Buyers are going to keep consuming Food, so make it easier for them to depend on your Farm products.

We’ve captured a quick synopsis of how your Farm business can leverage Barn2Door to accelerate your growth, recapture your initial costs, and build a more resilient and profitable Farm business.


Pastured Proteins

Growing and harvesting livestock and poultry is a big commitment that is often fraught with uncertainty and dependencies, with respect to processing dates and commodity price fluctuations. Farms and Ranches across the country are coming to Barn2Door to build a robust Brand and a direct-to-market business that commands a premium price. Our patented Upfront Deposit, Sell-by-Weight and Subscription capabilities are truly one-of-a-kind.

Pastured Protein Farmers use Farm software to bundle subscriptions for local Buyers.

Most importantly, your Pastured Proteins business can immediately start capturing Upfront Deposits well ahead of your harvest dates. The most successful Farms and Ranches simplify Upfront Deposits for Quarter, Half and Whole sales of livestock, while making reconciliation of final charges easy, with a click-of-the-button experience.

To unlock more Buyers, Farms and Ranches have also expanded their product offerings to include Meat Box Subscriptions aligned with their harvest dates. By breaking down Animals to 10, 20 and 40 pound boxes, your Farm business can reach the 97% of Americans who do not own a Chest Freezer. And, it is easy for Buyers to budget their ongoing commitment to purchase Pastured Proteins.

You can recapture the entire cost of your Barn2Door investment by simply attracting:

  • +4 Buyers for a Quarter side of Beef, or

  • +4 Buyers for Half of a Hog, or 

  • +2 Buyers for monthly Meat Box Subscriptions (20 lbs of meat, or 3 Birds) 

In any case, your Farm or Ranch will recoup your Barn2Door costs, increase your cash flow, and have a platform to help you expand your base of business.

We wouldn't have a business without Barn2Door. The ability to capture deposits and charge instantly after weighing animals and not chase down payments is priceless.

- Pastured Protein Farm (IN)


Produce Farms

Most Produce Farms manage a high-volume of turnover as harvest seasons often overlap for different products. It is commonplace for Farmers to work from dawn to dusk to squeeze out every dollar of income from their Produce operations. And, the weather, too, can significantly impact the yields for different crops. Barn2Door’s Pre-Sales, Seasonal Subscriptions, and Unlock Add-ons offer Produce Farmers a pathway to financial stability and growth.

Produce Farms can pre-sell products ahead of season using software for Farmers.

Your Produce Farm can immediately recapture your Barn2Door investment by offering Pre-Sales ahead of Season. Many of our most successful Product Farms capture tens of thousands of dollars months ahead of time with Pre-Sales, which provides valuable capital in the off-season and financial peace-of-mind.

Barn2Door’s Seasonal Subscriptions capabilities are used by Produce Farmers for CSAs of all sizes and any duration (up to 12 months). Your Farm may offer Buyers the ability to Pay Upfront (and get a pre-paid discount), or to Pay-as-You-Go with each CSA fulfillment. About ⅓ of all CSA Buyers are willing to Pay Upfront (Win!).

The Add-on feature with Barn2Door’s proprietary “Unlock” feature, has enabled many Produce Farms to dramatically increase their Average Order Value. Reserve your most coveted Products with Barn2Door’s Unlock feature to incentivize Buyer Subscriptions and reward loyal customers.

Your Produce Farm can recapture your Barn2Door investment by attracting:

  • Pre-Selling +3-4 CSA membership ahead of Season

  • Selling +3-4 additional CSA membership In Season

  • Upselling “Add-ons” to Buyers to increase your Average Order Value +5-10%

Better yet, implement all these tactics with Barn2Door to streamline your Produce operations, improve the Buyer experience and increase sales for your Farm business.

We save 15 hours a week off the computer with Barn2Door. We also generated an additional $70,000 in sales with the "Unlock" Add-ons feature during our season. I wouldn't get those additional sales without Barn2Door.

- Produce Farm (UT)


Dairy Operations

365 days per year, Dairy Farmers are on duty. The cows always need to be milked, regardless of the day of the week, holidays or family commitments. A Dairy Farm is always operating. Fortunately, Buyer demand for Dairy products is also intense. Your customers often consume fresh Dairy products everyday, which can translate into attractive margins provided you can build a stable base of recurring Buyers.

Dairy Farmers can readily recapture their investment in Barn2Door by leveraging Ongoing Subscriptions, including unique Up/Down Quantity controls (built for Farmers!).  Barn2Door’s proprietary Unlock capabilities, too, offer Dairy Farmers the ability to upsell highly coveted, value-added Products.

Dairy Farms secure more revenue by offering add-ons to their subscription orders using software for Farmers.

Barn2Door’s Ongoing Subscriptions have proven to be a pathway to financial freedom for many Dairy Farmers seeking to transition to direct-to-market Sales. Your Dairy cows are always producing milk, so ensuring consistent Buyers is critical to your success. With Ongoing Subscriptions, your Dairy Farm can tap into Buyer Demand, while providing your Farm with a growing base of recurring revenue.

Built for Farmers, Barn2Door also ensures your Dairy business maintains control of adjusting Subscription Up or Down. Only you know the available inventory of your Products, so Barn2Door reserves the right to adjust subscription quantities to the Farmer (versus the whims of a Buyer(s)).

Many Dairy Farmers utilize our proprietary “Unlock” feature to upsell coveted value-added products. Reward loyal Buyers to your weekly Milk Subscriptions with exclusive access to specialty items (e.g. Yogurt, Cheese Curds). Other Dairy Farmers use the “Unlock” feature to upsell valuable Add-on Subscriptions (e.g. Egg Subscription) that complement their core Dairy business.

Your Dairy Farm can readily recapture your Barn2Door investment by attracting:

  • Selling +3-4 weekly Dairy Subscriptions

  • Upselling “Add-ons” to Buyers to increase your Average Order Value +5-10%

  • Upselling “Speciality” items to Buyers increase your Average Order Value +5-10%

Dairy Farmers have a track record of high returns and significant rewards when they build a direct-to-market customer base. Barn2Door can help make the transition turnkey for your Dairy business.

Barn2Door is essentially a non-expense. I would have to do a lot more work, but now, all sales come into my inbox. Just one (1) year of a prepaid milk Subscription pays for Barn2Door.

- Dairy Farmer (ND)



Farms that implement the best practices set forth above for their Pastured Proteins, Produce and/or Dairy operations, can readily grow their business double-digits in 12 months and fully recapture the investment in Barn2Door. If you’re ambitious, have great products and capitalize on local demand, we’ve seen several Farms and Ranches actually achieve triple-digit growth in 12 months. There is no shortage of Buyer demand.

Serving 1000’s of Farms and Ranches across all 50 States and more than 1 million Buyers, Barn2Door has the data, the insights and the expertise to help your Farm build a thriving business (and recapture your investment in our Software and Services). We employ the largest team in America that is exclusively dedicated to the success of Independent Farmers like you.

Barn2Door offers software for Independent Farmers to create and promote their brand, sell online and in-person, and save time managing their business. If you’re curious to learn more, watch this 5-minute video.


The Number 1 Datapoint Proven to Drive Farm Sales


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