Partner Spotlight: A Commitment to a Sustainable Future with ACRES USA


Beginning in 2020, Barn2Door entered into a strategic partnership with ACRES USA -- one of the oldest agricultural publishers --- to advance the efforts of production-scale organic and sustainable farming. Over the previous five decades, ACRES USA has  helped “Farmers, Ranchers, and market gardeners grow organically, sustainably, and without harmful or toxic chemistry.”

We recently sat down with two members from ACRES USA - Ryan and Jorge on the Direct Farm Podcast to learn more about the history behind ACRES and how they support Farmers across the country.

ACRES and the Last 50 Years

Fifty years ago, Charles Walters was an economist who was born and raised on a low-income Farm in Kansas. He lived through the dust bowl and the Great Depression, well aware of the difficulties of farming. ACRES USA was born out of Walters' inspiration from Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” - an environmental science book that exposed the effects of pesticides and chemicals on land and soil.   

Ryan and Jorge shared, “Charles challenged the 1940s federal and national USDA model that instructed Farmers to use chemicals that hadn’t been tested for human consumption and little was known about the effects on people’s health. Walters was also opposed to the super-Farm model or making a single large Farm in every county. This would convert family Farmers to workers where they would lose ownership of their land.”

The foundation of ACRES USA is centered on eco-agriculture, both ecology-based and economy-based. Focused on sustainability, the ACRES motto is rooted in giving back to the land and using sustainable practices to do so.

In the last 50 years, a lot has changed within the farming industry. As such, ACRES has adapted to using different kinds of media across various channels. “At our core, we’re still a publisher. But that doesn’t mean just magazines anymore. While our magazine is still in publication, we now have a website, a weekly newsletter updating subscribers on events and our book of the week, and a podcast called Tractor Time.”

Showcasing Organic & Unconventional Farming Methods

Pivoting to use new practices can be intimidating, especially if your Farm has used specific methods for generations. However, ACRES has supported many Farms that have invested in making the change. 

“There’s a value proposition by farming sustainably. For a consumer, they want to know how their food was grown. The challenge is to prove to them that it’s healthier for you. Using ecological practices and focusing on soil health is going to produce a healthier product.”

Understanding the need for change and the ability to transition to regenerative farming is the first step to long-term growth in today’s market. Ryan and Jorge shared an example about a Colorado Farm that changed its practices and is now one of the top producers of fingerling potatoes. “There’s a third-generation Farmer in Colorado whom ACRES works with where the current owner’s father and grandfather were very conventional in their methods. However, when the Farm was inherited by the grandson, he was committed to changing it. Transitioning from growing russet potatoes to Yukon golds and fingerlings by implementing regenerative methods, he was able to break into the potato market and compete with Idaho russets. This all came from the mindset of thinking differently. Today, he’s growing about 40-50 different species of potatoes.” 

Implementing these unique practices has contributed to their success --  by offering a product people couldn’t get before. Now, customers are getting a cleaner product, and the Farm is giving back to the land. To learn about another Farm that uses unconventional methods, check out this blog:

The Importance of Education 

ACRES grounds themselves in the importance of soil health. When Walters founded ACRES, he was committed to finding the connection between soil health and human health. Much of the resources and information shared today by the organization is centered around this foundation.

ACRES offers many ways for members and non-members to learn about soil health, how to give back to the soil, and other practices to improve farmland. One resource that offers hands-on experience is on-Farm intensives. “One Farmer invited 30 Farmers to his property to spend two days learning about soil health and management practices. From how to prepare your fields in order to increase soil health to managing healthy soil best practices, the Farmers got an in-depth overview of practical guidance and information.”

Every year, ACRES hosts a Soil Summit educating Farmers on what it takes to start the transition to healthier soil. “We want Farmers to understand and demystify the aspect of soil testing. We want them to learn what kind of condition their Farm is in so they can make the necessary changes.”

What’s Next for ACRES USA

ACRES is consistently hosting events, webinars, and other opportunities to provide Farmers with resources to create a sustainable farming model. In partnership with ACRES USA, Barn2Door co-promotes the Farm Innovator Series, a monthly on-demand webinar featuring a Farmer who uses unconventional and innovative methods to grow and manage their Farm business. Check out the latest installment of the Farm Innovator Series here:

ACRES’s next event is Eco-Ag - an annual conference held on December 6-9 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Farmers and consultants from around the country will gather to learn about eco-farming and other sustainable business practices. This year, attendees at Eco-Ag will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of ACRES!

Barn2Door is looking forward to hosting a half-day workshop on Go-to-Market Best Practices from the Top 100 Farms, and Barn2Door CEO Janelle Maiocco is a keynote speaker, sharing how Farmers can Delight Buyers on All Channels. 

If you’d like to attend Eco-Ag and catch Barn2Door’s workshop and presentation, head over to to register today.

Barn2Door is proud to partner with ACRES USA to help educate Farmers on best practices to create a thriving Farm business and support a sustainable future in farming. 

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution to grow and manage your Farm. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farms run on Barn2Door,  watch this 5-minute video.


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