Rapid Growth Thanks to POS Built for Farmers

Barn2Door released a Point of Sale (POS) device in early 2023, giving Farmers the ability to accept an array of in-person payment options, and connect in-person purchases to their online store. The POS will sync inventory, payments and customers across a Farm’s online and in-person store. With the Barn2Door POS, Farmers can offer wholesale and retail pricing to Buyers, apply discounts or promos, and include a tipping option. As an independent Farmer, it is crucial that you have the power to customize your sales, no matter where they occur. 

We recently talked with Julie and Michelle from Veteran’s Liberty Ranch in Texas, to discuss the success they found in using the Barn2Door POS. Utilizing multiple POS devices across several Farmers Markets for easy in-person sales helped power 6 figures in sales for their Ranch, while eliminating stress and saving time. Listen to the new podcast episode:


Point of Sale - Built for Farmers

Every Farm needs a system in place to handle a range of payment options, from cash and check to mobile wallets and credit cards. 98% of Buyers prefer digital payments and may not have cash in hand while visiting Farmers Markets. To stand out as a local Farm, and to ensure you do not miss out on any sales, use POS to accommodate all of Buyers’ purchasing options. The device works as a credit card reader, while also accepting payments such as cash or check, or mobile wallets (Apple Pay and Google Pay).

Beef steers from Veteran's Liberty Ranch in Texas.

With a Barn2Door account, Farmers can sell to anyone, anywhere, at any time --- and trust that orders, inventory, customers and payments will be seamlessly tracked. The Barn2Door POS is connected directly to your Farm’s online presence, using the same merchant account (to track payments and finances), including real-time inventory sync. There is no need to stress about fixing quantities after a day at the market! 

The Barn2Door POS provides your Farm the flexibility to switch between Buyer types, too, so you offer the right products, packaging and pricing to each customer type (e.g. wholesale v. retail). You can also choose to sell with a Fixed Price, or Sell by Weight. The device gives you a range of capabilities to ensure maximum flexibility when selling your Farm products. 

Veteran’s Liberty Ranch made the switch to Barn2Door in Summer 2022, streamlining operations for their Farm business from a spiral notebook to digital, automated records. As a part of the transition, they also began to use the Barn2Door POS device at local markets. Previously, the Ranch only accepted cash, check and venmo at Farmer Markets, which was inefficient, less-secure, limited options and was difficult to track.

In contrast, Barn2Door POS allowed their Ranch to accept more payment methods, simplify inventory management, and streamline the Buyer experience. Now, they are able to sell at 3 to 4 markets a week in the warmer seasons.


Increase Buyer Satisfaction

Your Brand is more attractive when you provide Buyers with an organized experience at the Farmer booth -- especially when things get busy! Providing easy, digital payment options, efficient sales and pre-orders for pickup builds trust. Extending the in-person brand experience to online can further boost Buyer trust, when you provide opportunities for them to purchase from and engage your brand online (website, social media, newsletter). 

If a Buyer does not trust your Brand, or you do not provide convenient purchase options, they may opt to buy from another Farm. If you are not providing a particular service, payment option or a consistent brand experience, then your Farm may lose out to the competition.

Veteran’s Liberty Ranch believes the Barn2Door POS builds Buyer trust with convenient payments, while also streamlining the booth experience. Instead of a line forming while they write out each order and track every payment, the Barn2Door POS automatically tracks the inventory and transactions. If Buyers have to wait in a long line to make a purchase, they may choose to go to another booth.

The Barn2Door POS device allows you to quickly check out customers, completing more transactions in a day. Veteran’s Liberty Ranch uses multiple Barn2Door POS devices across various markets to ensure quick service. (And they have fun sales competitions between markets!).

I think the Barn2Door POS also develops a trust with our customers, because you go in there professionally and you have a professional device that actually shows their purchases.

- Farmer Julie

Buyers can show their appreciation to your Farm by “tipping” at check out. Many times, your customers may forget to leave a tip or not have enough when paying with cash, but the digital prompt on the Barn2Door POS will make it easier for them to give your Farm extra support. Buyers love supporting local Farmers!

Veteran’s Liberty Ranch wants to honor those who serve in the military by offering a discount for their purchase. Farmer Michelle shared, “One of the things that we offer is a military discount. So, we asked Barn2Door, is there a way to put a discount? So we can add a 10% discount? That was an ask on our behalf and Barn2Door delivered, quickly. And I am telling you that is huge. It is huge.” The Barn2Door POS allows the Farm to quickly apply a promotion to any purchase (percentage or dollar amount). Instead of manually calculating a discount, the system gives a quick method of applying the promo. This capability further streamlines the market experience.


Selling Out of Product at Farmers Markets

With multiple ways to make a purchase at a Farmers Markets, you are sure to sell out of certain products. It is also recommended by our most successful Farms that you offer Subscription or Pre-Order for pickup(s) at Farmers Markets, to increase visibility, ensure Buyers have easy access to your products, and draw more Buyers to your in-person sales.

Michelle and Julie sell their beef at farmers markets in Texas, using the POS from Barn2Door.

Farm Marketing will be the foundation to building a loyal customer base. Your Buyers want to be ‘in the know’ with what is happening on your Farm and any products that are in season. Drawing Buyers to your booth with signs and flyers, making transactions convenient with POS and showcasing your best products can boost purchases.

As you welcome more Buyers to your booth, you may begin to sell out of products. Encourage Buyers to reserve products from your online store when they sell out at markets, for security that they will be able to pick it up at the next market or on your Farm. Michelle explains, “Our customers can still order a product, they can reserve it and we're able to fill that order usually within the week.” Buyers will feel more confident in your Farm inventory if they know you will supply what they need, even after it sells out.

The only way your Farm will sell out of product is if you are consistently marketing to local Buyers, and creating a business they trust. Always have email sign-up sheets and QR codes on your booth and with employees at Farmers Markets! You will be able to have consistent communication with current and potential Buyers, updating them on which Farmers Markets you will attend and what products will be available. For sales in the off-season, we recommend pre-selling seasonal products and keeping an updated online store.



Whether you need to take a variety of payment methods, speed up your market check out or push more products with in-person Farm sales, the Barn2Door POS can help you achieve your goals. Your Farm may be missing out on capabilities that your Buyers desire, and you do not want to miss out on a sale because your competition makes the transition first. 

Simplify your market experience, and build Buyer trust with the Barn2Door POS built for Farmers. You will no longer have to rush through transactions or turn down Buyers because you cannot accept their payments. Connect multiple devices to use across various markets in a given day, and have the confidence your inventory and orders will all be tracked in real-time. Increased profits are possible with convenient sales, leading to Farm growth.

Learn more about Barn2Door’s POS device, its capabilities and how to serve more Buyers in your area: Barn2Door POS.

Barn2Door offers software for Independent Farmers to create and promote their brand, sell online and in-person, and save time managing their business. If you’re curious to learn more, watch this 5-minute video.


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