Save Time & Engage Customers with Farm QR Codes

With the rise of mobile ordering and 87% of Americans using smartphones, appealing to mobile buyers has never been more critical for small businesses. Why is this important? Because for Farmers, the vast majority of your customers use a smartphone to follow their favorite brands, discover local businesses online, and share information with their network. 

With the rise of online shopping and the need for convenient, point-and-click purchasing, the desire to take action “in the moment” is an activity that many businesses use to their advantage. So – how can your Farm also appeal to mobile users? Through the use of QR Codes.

A QR code, or Quick Response Code, is a square-shaped barcode that mobile devices can scan. It’s similar to a barcode on an item in the grocery store. The barcode simplifies the steps to find your products, increasing the speed and efficiency for both merchants and consumers to conduct business. 

A QR code can be the gateway to spur customer engagement with your Farm – whether you link them to sign up for your newsletter, follow your Farm on social media, or shop directly from your online store. Almost every smartphone has a built-in QR scanner through the phone camera. There’s no reason that your Farm shouldn’t be utilizing QR codes to capture more buyers! Additionally, Americans have become used to QR codes as many restaurants, bars, and cafes use them for their contactless menus.

Listen: A Farmers’ Market(ing) Campaign to Grow Faster Online

While there are plenty of ways Farms can use QR codes to spread awareness about their business and Brand, consider these three (3) tactics to attract new customers with QR codes to make it more convenient to access your Farm on all channels (web, mobile, social, and email). 

1. Use a QR Code to Link to an Email Sign-Up Sheet 

To turn farmers' market buyers into loyal customers, your Farm must stay top of mind. The best way to do that is through email marketing. People check their inboxes daily, so providing customers with a quick and simple way to add their name to your email list while standing at your farmers’ market booth is essential. 

Have an email sign-up form visible at your stand. Include your Farm logo, QR Code (that links directly to your digital email sign-up form), and an option for people to manually write down email addresses. At check-out, ask customers to scan the code or fill out the form to receive frequent updates and promos from your Farm. 

One email can generate hundreds of orders, so grab your customers’ information while you’re interacting with them in person. Some of the most successful Farms incentive their employees with $1 per verified email gathered at the markets. When one collects 25+ emails, that can generate $100-$1000s in volume. 

As a part of the Barn2Door Onboarding experience for Business and Scale subscriptions, our team assembles Marketing Assets that include QR Codes for Farms to grow their email list. With the Barn2Door + Mailchimp integration, Farmers can easily track, manage, and engage customers on a regular basis, driving consistent orders. 

Read: A Farmer’s Guide to Grow Revenue with Email

2. Leverage a QR Code To Boost Your Instagram Followers

Did you know that all Instagram accounts have a QR code linking directly to the owner’s profile? That’s right! This code can quickly take Instagram users to your profile where they can click to follow your Farm. No need to manually search for a profile when it’s easy to point, click, and follow! 

Remember, QR codes reduce the time it takes to get from point A to point B. When someone scans your Instagram QR code, it takes seconds for someone to become a loyal follower.

Here’s how to access your Instagram QR code:

  • Go to your profile and select the three lines in the upper right corner of the page. 

  • There, you’ll see a QR Code button. Click that, and you’ll have your Instagram QR code! 

  • With the button in the upper right of the QR code, you can export it to print it out to have it handy at farmers’ markets or create a flyer to include in Subscription or Bundle Boxes. 

Listen: How Dan & Debbie's Creamery Utilizes Social Media for Their Farm
Success on Socials: Tips for Growing Your Social Media Presence 

3. Use a QR Code To Drive Customers to your Online Store

Farm Flyers are a great avenue to increase your brand awareness in local venues (coffee shops, markets, schools, places of worship). A good Farm Flyer should include key information about your Farm business, your products and reinforce your Brand with existing or prospective customers

On the flyer, include a QR code! Whether you want customers to join your email list, follow you on social media, or visit your online Farm store directly, a QR code is a simple and easy way to attract more customers to your business. 

A tactic employed by our most successful farmers is speaking at local schools to educate children about the importance of agriculture and regenerative farming in their local community. Each child goes home with a Farm Flyer that includes a QR code to the online store, generating interest among hundreds of parents. By simply scanning a QR code, parents can quickly learn more about their Farm products and shop online. 

Buyers prioritize convenience. By leveraging QR codes to accelerate the time it takes to sign up for your mailing list or shop from your online Farm store, you’ll quickly expand your customer base and increase conversions. 

Read: Grassroots Marketing Tactics Every Farmer Should Know
3 Email Tactics Every Farmer Needs to Know

QR codes are all about saving time. The fewer steps it takes to go from point A to point B delights your customers and makes them more willing to take the action you want. There’s a lot to see at the local coffee shop, markets, schools, and places of worship, so be sure to hold on to a customer's attention while you have it with a QR code. 

Barn2Door provides an all-in-one solution for Farmers to grow and manage their business. If you’re curious to learn why successful Farmers run on Barn2Door, watch this 5-minute video


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