Marketing Roundup: 5 Must-Haves for your Farm
Farm Marketing is important for building your businesses’ brand. Buyers have to know your Farm exists before they purchase your products. While there are tools to improve your marketing efforts and give you tips to implement, it is important to understand that you ‘own’ your marketing.
New Email Policies in February 2024 For “Bulk Senders”
If your Farm sends more than 5,000 emails from your domain on any given day, then read carefully! Google and Yahoo announced stronger guidelines against unwanted emails to better protect users, which could significantly impact the ability of your Farm to send email to your customers.
Checklist for your Farm’s Go-to-Market Strategy
2024 is here, and it is important to reevaluate the Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy for your Farm. Many Farms are eager to increase sales, access more customers and save time, while achieving their growth goals in the new year. When determining how you plan to run your business this year, consider products, software and innovations that will make operations and sales streamlined.
The 4 P’s of Marketing: Successful Farm Subscriptions
To attract and maintain Buyer relationships on your Farm, you must consistently market to customers. Knowing the customer base in your local community will allow you to reach them in attractive ways (e.g. products they desire, packaging they prefer). Farm Marketing will enable you to access more Buyers, increasing sales.
Farm Marketing in the Busy Season vs. the Off-Season
Farmers constantly have tasks to complete on the Farm. It may be preparing orders in the busy season, or scheduling processing dates in the Off-Season. It is important to increase Sales, no matter the season. Marketing to local Buyers will provide recurring revenue, but your strategy will be different with each season.
Top 5 Farm Podcast Episodes of 2023
The Direct Farm Podcast hosts successful Farmers and Barn2Door partners, sharing tips for Farms looking to save time, increase sales, and access more customers. Each week, product updates, marketing tactics and Farmer spotlights are shared, to highlight successful Farming practices and stories.
Top 3 Farm eBooks of 2023
Each year Barn2Door releases eBooks that compile data and tips from successful Farms from all 50 states, or Buyers in your area. These eBooks serve as an educational resource for Farms looking to grow their Direct-to-Market business.
Top 5 Blogs to Grow your Farm Business
Barn2Door consistently release content with advice from our most successful Farmers, including data from local Buyers. Barn2Door offers a library of free resources and information to help Farmers of all sizes succeed. We have compiled a list of the Top 5 blogs from the past year, packed with tips and best practices to help grow your Farm business in 2024.
Top 5 Blogs for a New Farm Business
Throughout 2023, Barn2Door produced numerous blogs, ebooks, podcasts, and infographics to help New Farmers accelerate the growth and success of their business! We are honored to serve 1000’s of Farmers and more than 1M+ Buyers across all 50 states. We release content and features to help fuel your Farm success.
3 Favorite Farm Innovations of 2023
Barn2Door made several improvements to help Farmers streamline their sales and operations in 2023, including numerous product releases and feature updates. These innovations include Ongoing Subscriptions, Refunds for Farm Products and POS Built for Farmers.
5 Tips for the Off-Season from Successful Farms
The Off-Season is a critical time to prepare for success for your Harvest. Maintaining a social presence, planning ahead of the coming season, and having realistic goals will set you up for success once Harvest begins. Barn2Door asked our most successful Farms their tips for the Off-Season.
The Importance of Buyer Trust in your Farm Brand
Buyers are eager to find a Farm they can trust when choosing to buy local. Your Products, Branding and Practices all contribute to the trustworthiness of your Farm business. We surveyed 25,000+ Buyers to seek their input on what they look for when purchasing local Farm Products.
Double your CSA Members
Tagge’s Famous Fruit and Veggie Farms in Perry, Utah has seen their CSA membership more than double over the past 2 years. While it did not happen overnight, Laci Tagge recently shared in a Podcast how pricing and packaging their products, expanding convenient delivery options, and personalizing their marketing efforts helped propel their Farm success. Now, they serve 1,000s+ of community members weekly.
Tips to go From Hobby to Full-time Farmer
Tom Bennett of Bennett Farms in Michigan decided to make the jump from Hobby to Full-time Farming years ago. Now, he runs a successful 7-figure Farm. He has tips to share with other Farmers looking to make the jump, from what products to Farm to how to market to Buyers.
Farm Products Stuck in your Inventory? Start Pre-Selling.
If you want to move all your Farm inventory, start Pre-Selling today. You can build consistent cash flow for your business, and satiate Buyers who don’t want to miss out on your products.
3 Tips to Access More Customers for your Farm during Back-to-School Season
Back to school time means that many families are back on a routine schedule of dropping off and picking up kids from class, practices, and other activities. You can maximize your Farm opportunities by having Farm pick-ups after school, offering sustainable food alternatives, and present field trip and volunteer options for students.
Fuel Farm Sales by Offering Buyers Convenient Pick-ups in their “Local Loop”
Farmers seeking to increase Sales and attract more customers, can benefit by offering Buyers convenient Pick-ups in their Local Loop. Analyzing the outcomes from our most successful Farmers, here are three (3) of the most convenient Pick-up destinations along the Local Loop.
3 Key Insights from 1000+ Farm Businesses
Too often, Farmers fail to evolve their business practices or expand their market presence to reach a wider audience. Serving 1000’s of Farmers, here are the 3 Insights for your Farm to succeed selling direct.
5 Tips to Convert Buyers to Self-Serve Ordering
While your Farm may be “new” to self-serve ordering, it is NOT a new experience for your Buyers. Here are 5 Tips to Convert Buyers to Self-Serve Ordering from your Farm, based on the best practices implemented from our most successful Farmers.
How to Sell Farm Products Online
While in-person avenues still hold merit, only 1% of Americans regularly attend farmers’ markets. The other 99% want to find convenient and approachable options for purchasing Farm food - like online. Selling Farm products online has three key components.