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How to Sell Farm Products Online

While in-person avenues still hold merit, only 1% of Americans regularly attend farmers’ markets. The other 99% want to find convenient and approachable options for purchasing Farm food - like online. Selling Farm products online has three key components. 

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Email Subject Lines & Data Benchmarks

If you’re spending time writing emails to drive purchases to your Farm – then ideally, you want your customers to open them, right? The key to meeting (and surpassing!) email benchmarks for your industry and optimizing your email marketing strategy is to have people open and engage with your emails.

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3 Farm Success Stories With Email Customer Journeys

Email is a powerful tool for Farmers to drive sales and engage their customers. We selected the three most common use cases to help Farms implement Customer Journeys to drive more sales and spur more customer engagement. We designed and assembled a Welcome, Loyalty, and Re-Engage campaign for each participating Farmer.

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3 Steps to Your Farm’s First Order

Between spreading awareness about your products, staying top-of-mind to prompt consistent purchases, and being available on all channels – there are three tactics that work together (every time!) to help drive the quickest response from local buyers.

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How to Start Your First Farm Pickup

If a Direct Delivery service is out of reach at this time, then having a convenient Pickup location or Drop-off point will be critical to your success. Here are three variables to consider when arranging your Farm Pickup(s) to be as convenient as possible for your buyers.

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Package Your Farm Products to Sell Out!

When Farms simplify their inventory, pricing, and packaging options, they drive more sales, delight customers, and build a more loyal and diverse customer base. Here are the tactics used by three (3) Farms to drive more revenue with simplified inventory and packaging options.

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Spread the Word of Food Security with Subscriptions

When Farmers take the time to reach and engage customers across multiple channels (web, mobile, social, email, and in-person), you’ll generate more frequent purchases and delight customers with the convenience of Subscription options. Check out these steps to spread the word about your Farm, generate sales, and capture more subscribers:

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What's Your Email Strategy? Do More With Less Effort.

To streamline operations and limit the hours spent on email marketing, Farmers have implemented some innovative techniques to generate up to 80% of their weekly orders from a single email. The most successful Farms have developed their email strategies to be effective, save time, and take the least amount of effort to generate results.

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